How Does This Work
Blogger has introduced something called jump breaks. This will help you in creating the summary.
What is a jump break? - Jump break is a special tag which can be inserted anywhere in a post using the post editor.When you have inserted a jump break into a post, the portion of the post above(or before) the jump break will serve as the summary of the post. This means that only this smaller portion will be displayed on Non-post pages.
How to insert a jump break?
If you are using the New Advanced Post Editor, then you can insert the jump break easily from the post editor.
If you are not using the New Post editor,then you will have to manually type the jump break tag . To do that just place
[Note that there is a space before and after more.] at the position where you want the break to occur. Now try going to your home page,and only the summary would be displayed on the home page.You might get problems seeing the Read More Link if you are using a modified and highly customized template. In that case try the following adjustments. Go to your Blogger Design > Edit HTML and "Expand the Widget templates". Now check if the following code is already present in your templates
<b:if cond='data:post.hasJumpLink'> <div class='jump-link'> <a expr:href='data:post.url + "#more"'><data:post.jumpText/>a> div> b:if>
If this code is not present in your template,then add this code before
<div class='post-footer'>
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